Six Powerful Marketing Strategies To Help You Clinch The Deal

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By CraigNewby

To help you seal a lucrative deal, you should incorporate the following six powerful marketing strategies:

    1. Identify Your Target Market – This is very important as not everyone would be interested in what you have to offer. While your products may prove to be just perfect for some, not everyone would be interested. One of the first steps when striving to develop an effective marketing strategy would be to identify your target market. To accomplish this, you should take a long hard look at your overall market, then go on to identify various market segments and evaluate them to see which one would give you the best results.
    1. Making use of a Positioning Strategy – Do not just develop a me too positioning strategy as this will lead to your consumers comparing your goods or services with your competitors when they think of purchasing it. You should develop a strategy that positions you away from your competitors by offering superior benefits that is based on a well-developed marketing mix strategy adopted by your organisation.
    1. Providing an Outstanding Sensory Package – By marketing an unique sensory package where your customer get to touch, smell, feel and even taste your products or services will forever change the way you do business with them. You can compare it with your body language where you would make use of various hand signals and facial expressions. This kind of marketing strategy proves to be very powerful as it impacts on how your customer get to interact with your products with regards to the way it is positioned, instant recognition, favourable impressions, and even emotional gratification.
    1. Marketing Mix Foundation – Laying your marketing foundation correctly that would include your product, promotion, pricing as well as fulfillment will ensure you have the right marketing mix combination in place and serve to attract as well as retain your customers. The core ingredient to effective marketing strategies would be to utilize the right marketing mix if you hope to attract your target market.
    1. Analyzing the Competition – It’s been said that competition is good and the spice of life. If you let them, your competition can drive you crazy. On the other hand, it will ensure your competitive juices starts flowing as it will inspire you to greater things where you look for ways to differentiate yourself. You will start analyzing as to why your customers buy from them and not you, and also what they are buying.
  1. Main Marketing Indicators – You need to track your marketing strategies by looking at the size of your target market. In addition, you should check to see what part you are covering with your various marketing activities. Then try and determine how much of this market you would be able to cover and even convert into interested buyers. You may look at it as a marketing funnel where each step would be narrowed down into the next one.
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By incorporating all of the above marketing processes or strategies, you will soon develop the right marketing mix that would enable your business to become very good at pulling in targeted customers and also retain them.