Why Is My Online Business Unsuccessful?

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By CraigNewby

Being unsuccessful in business doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. It doesn’t mean you’re lazy, and it doesn’t mean you’ll never be successful. When you’re unsuccessful in a business venture, it simply means that the specific business model you are following in that moment is not successful. It means the tools, techniques and strategies you are executing are not working. Unsuccessful business models use unsuccessful marketing methods and publicizing techniques. When your business is unsuccessful, it means you must change what you’re doing.

Fact #1 – ANY Online Business Can Be Successful, and ANY Online Business Can Be Unsuccessful

It’s a well-known fact that any business can be successful, and any business can be unsuccessful. What it really boils down is:

  • Do you have the proper tools, techniques and technology to make your business successful
  • Do you have the drive, motivation and determination to overcome the many obstacles you’ll be faced with
  • Are you confident in your business idea
  • Did you do the best job you could do at planning and research

As previously mentioned, any online business model can be a success or a failure. So, just because you have an outside the box idea that no one else thinks will work, doesn’t mean it will be an unsuccessful online business. The world is over populated with pessimistic people who see nothing but bad outcomes. As an online business owner, it is your job to steer clear of pessimists. They will do nothing but slow you down and hold you back from reaching your goals. Which brings us to fact #2.

Fact #2 – With A Pessimistic Mindset, You’re Already Unsuccessful!
It’s bad enough to be surrounded by negativity, but if you allow these influences to cause a negative shift in your own way of thinking, you’re in deep trouble! One thing you must always remember is your mindset plays one of the most important rolls in the success or failure of your online business. Of course we all become discouraged from time to time. Something doesn’t go the way we expected. Something we took months to plan ended up being a dud. Our dream really turned out to be a frightening nightmare. It happens to the best of us. It happens to us all. But do not let these temporary setbacks ruin your outlook on the future success of your business.

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Lets say for example, you’ve just worked all day and you’re on your way home from work. You arrive at home, kick back, grab a cold drink and turn on the tv to relax for a while. After watching a few hours of TV, you proceed to hop online to check your email and see whats new. You suddenly realize nothing is being accomplished with your online business venture. It is still in the same unfinished state as it was a month ago. Nothing is getting accomplished. Your idea of a successful online business is not progressing as quick as you’d like. As a matter of fact, it’s not progressing at all! Just like rush hour traffic, the online business you originally thought up is now at a standstill. So, what do you do now? Do you let pessimism creep in and sour your mood? Do you prematurely throw up your white flag and quietly surrender?

Challenging moments like these can be pivotal points in the direction and flow of your online business. You may feel as if the challenge is too tough, and that you’re not strong enough to whether the storm. The fact of the matter is that you wouldn’t be where you are today if it wasn’t for your persistence to keep moving forward. So, if you’ve made it this far, why turn back?

Whatever you do, don’t let negativity take full control over the situation at hand. Always remember that dark nights bring bright days.

Fact #3 – We Must Do Homework Our Entire Lives, Not Just In School!
This is a concept a lot of people can’t seem to grasp on to very easily. In life, and especially in business life, you must always do you homework. And what exactly is homework?

  • Taking the time to research successful and unsuccessful business models
  • Studying the basics of what it takes to have a successful online business
  • Being able to distinguish between good information and bad information (facts vs opinions)
  • Quizzing yourself on various topics of business. And if you don’t have an answer, go find it!
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Doing homework for the success of your business can be done in many ways. Some people may not have the time or patience to research successful and unsuccessful business models. Some of us may not be able to distinguish between good and bad information. Luckily, there are options available. Options such as:

  1. Hiring someone to perform the research for you
  2. Subscribing to newsletters that only feed you factual information
  3. Keeping up with the latest trends and internet publications from reliable and reputable sources

By doing any or all of the above, you’re able to save time and accelerate the process of learning both the principles of successful business and the unsuccessful business strategies. These days, hiring someone online can be a quick and simple process. Subscribing to newsletters allows you to sit back and allow the information to flow in directly to your inbox. Keeping up with the latest trends from reputable online sources can be done with a few mouse clicks.

The Common Denominators of Unsuccessful Businesses
By far the most common traits held by all unsuccessful business entrepreneurs:

  1. Being lazy and failing to move forward with a project. Remember: There’s a reason the word lazy contains the last 2 letters of the alphabet. When you’re lazy, you’ll finish last (or second to last).
  2. Creating excuses for everything that doesn’t get done. Remember: No excuses, no exceptions!
  3. Unwillingness to change. If you don’t change, nothing changes. Period.
  4. Self-Destruction in the form of excessive drugs, excessive alcohol, a lack of sleep, a lack of proper nutrition, etc.. These things only impair your ability to think and focus clearly.
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Remember: Even The Most Successful Online Businesses Were Once Unsuccessful!
Finally, always remember that even the most successful online businesses were once unsuccessful. There are many attempts at creating a source of steady income online. Most fail and few succeed. But the businesses that succeed are the businesses that do their homework and remember that a pessimistic mindset is toxic.